SEND Support

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Local advice

  1. Education, Health & Care (EHC) assessment and plans

    A parent/carer or education setting are able to request an Education, Health and Care [EHC] needs assessment for a child/young person with special educational needs, when it is clear that the provision required is above the level generally provided for others of a similar age…
  2. Personal Budgets for children and young people

    A personal budget is an amount of money we believe will deliver the provision agreed within an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan and which is managed by the parent/carer or young person.
  3. Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions

    The statutory guidance in this document is intended to help governing bodies meet their legal responsibilities and sets out the arrangements they will be expected to make, based on good practice. The aim is to ensure all children with medical conditions, in terms of both…

Local services

  1. Rochdale Additional Needs Service (RANS)

    RANS helps children and young people with additional needs to develop the skills to become independent and active members in school and their community. We work closely with children and young people, families, settings/schools and other agencies. We provide advice, assessment, support, teaching and training…
  2. Education, Health and Care (EHC) Assessment and Review Team

    The EHC Assessment and Review Team is responsible for carrying out EHC needs assessments for children and young people with high needs aged 0 to 25 years. We liaise closely with parents, education settings and a range of services to ensure the provision made for those with…
  3. Rochdale Child and Educational Psychology Service

    Child Educational Psychologists (CEP) work with schools to help support children with special educational needs.