Disabled Student Allowances


These allowances are intended to assist students with disabilities to benefit as fully as possible from their course. They are designed to cover special equipment, non-medical helpers and other general expenses. Remember, these allowances are not means-tested.

Assistance with travel costs can be given under certain circumstances.

How to apply for a Disabled Student Allowance
General disability allowance

This allowance provides for supplementary payments for disability related expenditure incurred because of attendance on the course.

The allowance may be used for miscellaneous expenditure not covered by the specific allowances and to supplement expenditure on non-medical helpers and/or special equipment in excess of the maxima of the specific allowances.

Special equipment allowance

This allowance covers major items of equipment, the need for which arises from a disability, and which are necessary to enable a student to benefit fully from the course. It is payable at any time during the course, by one or more instalments.

If it's more economical, items of equipment should be leased rather than purchased, especially if the claim is made during the latter stages of the course. Disabled students may find the AbilityNet website of use and interest. It provides impartial, expert advice about computer technology for people with disabilities.

Non-medical personal helper's allowance

This allowance reimburses students for expenditure on personal helpers such as readers, lip speakers, note takers, non-medical carers, necessary for the student to benefit fully from the course.

The provision of these allowances does not remove our duty to provide assistance towards personal care costs which would have been incurred irrespective of a student's attendance on a course.

Travel for disabled students

Reimbursement of travel expenses may also be claimed if, by reason of your disability, you incur additional expenditure. You will be asked to show how your disability incurs additional cost, and to provide medical evidence if necessary.

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