Boots Pharmacy Middleton


We may have expanded to offer a wide range of products, but we've also stayed true to our origins as a pharmacy, you'll find the products and services you need to help you stay healthy at Boots.

What we do

From weight loss products to health equipment, we've got health products for just about everyone.

If you're feeling under the weather, and need a prescription you can get the medicine you need dispensed through our pharmacy prescription services.

Look after your health with Boots whether you want help with dieting and weight loss or stock up on vitamins. We also have an outstanding selection of family planning products.

Other locations in Middleton

We have 2 other stores located in Middleton which are:

Address: 350-352 Grimshaw Lane, Middleton, M24 2AU

Contact: 0161 643 2817

Opening times: Monday to Friday 8.15am to 6.15pm

The other store is located at:

Address: 137 Manchester Old Road, Middleton, M24 4DZ

Contact: 0161 653 4113

Opening times: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.30pm

Who to contact

0161 643 2101 0161 643 2101

Where to go

Middleton Shopping Centre

M24 4EL

View M24 4EL on a map

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